
Commercial Loan Officer resume example

Alex Joseph
25563553, Panama Tell. 2553653 – 763553 [email protected]

To manage credit services well and ensure that the portfolio at risk is minimized as much as possible. To make speedy follow up on defaulters and ensure that the chattels that are used for securing the loan are worth the amount being advanced. To ensure that the image of the organization is not ruined despite the fact that recovery must be done and follow up on defaulters is expedited.

A person with an excellent track record in risk management. A person well versed with the legal procedure for ensuring default loan cases are properly addressed to avert losses to the organization. Knowledge of record keeping and book management to prevent any loss of data or information that may cripple the process of follow up of loans. Possess excellent computer skills such as quick books and excel that can be used to reduce paperwork in the organizations offices. Excellent in report writing.

Credit officer, Standard chartered bank, New York, 2010 – present
Was in charge of consumer loans in the branch I was attached. Acquired basic skills in appraisal of business cycles, income streams, and the environment before advancing loans. Chaired the bank committee on credit and was responsible for generation of daily reports that included PAR, savings and advances. Participated in the marketing of loan facilities to public as well as government institutions. Was responsible for conducting routine check on compliance and mini-audit to curb cases of fraud and theft.

Masters degree, credit risk management, catholic university of America, 1998 Bachelors degree, business management and growth in banking and finance, Oxford University, 1996

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